Harry remind me of my friend TJ
Harry remind me of my friend TJ
Pretty Go0d
i like it alot. god idea concept i should say. actually get goose bumps watching it.
This awesome man i give u a perfect score!!!
heeehee heee
that joint is stupid funny lol
i don't like it, i love it!!!!!
Tradition flash cartoons
Thanks for the support.
Something worth watching on NG 5-10. i recommend!!!
Well.... yeah get to it!!!
I was confuse about the box, but i just realize i did not see the last 2 webisode. so........ i was lost for a moment in the blam jokes but at least you try. Anyway i give you a 10 for animation, 10 in great characters, 1 in plot of story , 10 in music, sound effects, and voice overs. From a scale from 3-5 in story maybe an 8 if i saw webisode 1 and 2. i could not do it better myself so don't feel bad.........yeah?!
Nice, well it worth the wait but it is pretty good
It pretty good
I wish it was longer with some back ground kids music like the mario brothers theme it will be so funny. keep up the good work
Joined on 11/9/10